“The Conqueror's Remorse?” Online Panel Discussing Non-Native Directors Exploiting Native Grief on October 29th
“Fine, We’ll Do It Ourselves” Online Panel Discussion Series continues with:
“The Conqueror's Remorse? Part One": Natives on Non-Native Directors Exploiting Native Grief
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th at 4:00pm CST
(1pm Alaskan, 2pm Pacific, 3pm Mountain, 5pm Atlantic)
The Revisionist Westerns, the Environmentalist Messengers, the Poverty Saints, the Addiction Narratives, the Casino Corrupted, the Vanished, and the exploitation of such tropes. Indigenous filmmakers discuss the expectation non-Native filmmakers have of the communities they film and use for the promotion of their own works and elevation of their own voice above the communities that they exploit.
Though this seem timely in lieu of a recent film's release, this has been a topic from the inception of this program series. The seed of it comes from FNFVF Inc's experience in operating as a festival that deals directly with Indigenous Filmmakers. So tune in for what will be a most-likely lively discussion.
Panelist are tentatively set and the line-up will be added here and announce on Monday. And what a line-up we will have.
So join us Sunday, October 29th for the live panel discussion and sign up on our website for access to the edited piece that will be uploaded to our new website.
We also have planned panel discussion events for Spring and Summer 2024. With your support, we can possibly continue this program with future panel discussion events. Stay tuned!
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